Entry #44: Sometimes

Sometimes it is the smallest of observations that allow me to enjoy the moment.

Not very long ago, I met someone over a creative project. We had a good time, and it worked out well, and we found out that we were both writers.

In exploring our writing, we found ourselves meeting weekly to discuss writing ideas and bounce them off each other. Surprisingly, these meetings never did cover the writings, but allowed us to get to know each other better through the telling of our life stories and experiences.

And that is the part of this post that brings all of these thoughts to digital paper, so to speak.

It is the small observations that these meetings give me…

It is not the words so much as the spaces between them that have impact. When she pauses in her description of something to gather the next thought, it allows me to just watch as she pulls that all together.

While watching I observe how perfect her hands are formed, with unpainted, yet perfectly shaped nails and fingers.

She makes mexican coffee for us and I enjoy watching her as the process unfolds.

She probably doesn’t know this, but her eyes change in darkness or lightness depending on the story she is relating. And often, I totally lose the thread of the conversation, because I am so engaged in watching her. Watching for those little things that only sometimes reveal themselves.

I think we have embarked on a good friendship, and that causes me to think of her quite often between these visits. I will see some small happening and later wonder what she might think of that had she seen it.

Sometimes…a friendship can be just that. Enjoying the small observations and just being in the present with another person who you enjoy spending time with. No pressures, no preconceived ideas. Just being in the moment.

Waiting…for the next surprise that comes in the spaces between the words.